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Social Events


Come Meet the Crew

Want to join UQ Boxing in 2020 but don't know where to start, or just looking to say hi to some familiar faces?


Pop by our stall in the Great Court on both the UQ Clubs and Societies Market Day on Wednesday 19th February 2 - 5pm; and again at the official UQ Market Day on Wednesday 26th February 10am - 2 pm.


Keep an eye out for any merchandise we will be selling on the day, stocks are limited. First come, first serve.


Follow our Facebook Page for the latest updates!

Wed 19th Feb

UQ Clubs and Socities Market Day

Great Court, 2 - 5pm

Tues 25th Feb

Sem1 Passes Begin

Membership included.

Wed 26th Feb

UQ Market Day

Great Court, 10am - 2pm


Just want a Saturday Snag without the workout?

Once a semester we come together to host a BBQ as an opportunity for our members to socialise and unwind.


During second semester this event also facilitates our Annual General Meeting, in which our members vote for the following year's club executives. Furthermore, it is an opportunity for any of our members to voice their opinions on the running of the club, so that as a club we can grow and improve for our members.

Sat 4th Apr*

Semester 1 BBQ

Details TBC closer to event.


Semester 2 BBQ and AGM

Details TBC closer to event.


Learn the secret formula of the Sweet Science

A recent addition to our social calendar has been the Sweet Science Series. It is an opportunity for members to share their knowledge and passion for boxing in a relaxed forum.


At each event we have several featured speakers elaborating on topics close to their heart in the world of boxing. Such topics including fighting styles including featured matches, as well as covering the general rules of competition matches and even helpful training tips.


Discussion is encourage throughout each segment as these workshop evenings are intended to be an opportunity to develop your fight I.Q. It is an event open to everyone whether you have joined the club for fitness or for those members who have started sparring at sessions.

Sat 22nd Feb*

Sweet Science Night II

Details TBC closer to event.

Sat 18th Apr*

Sweet Science Night III

Details TBC closer to event.

Late July*

Sweet Science Night IV

Details TBC closer to event.


Sweet Science Night V

Details TBC closer to event.


Competition Season

The Varsity Club Clash is an annual competition held between the University of Queensland (UQ) and Queensland University of Technology (QUT) across multiple sports since 2017. Boxing is one of several sports whose overall competition results contribute to their university's cumulative points.


Exhibition rounds are friendly unscored bouts intended to promote the sport of boxing at both universities. Whilst, competition rounds are scored and the team winning the majority of matches will have one point awarded to the overall VCC competition score.

During 2020

Varsity Club Clash

Details TBC closer to event.



Annual Dinner

Details TBC closer to event.

Time To Unwind and Celebrate

As a shared moment to reflect on the success of the year, our members come together for the Annual Dinner. It is a time to suit-up and celebrate, as well as unwind and socialise in the final months of the year.


Leading into the event members have the opportunity to vote for Member of the Year, someone who has reflected the values of the club and made significant contributions throughout the year. On the night the votes will be finalised and the shield awarded.

Annual Dinner

Time To Unwind and Celebrate

As a moment to reflect on the success of the year, our members come together for the Annual Dinner. It is a time to dress-up and celebrate as well as unwind and socialise in the final months of the year.


Leading into the event members have the opportunity to vote for Member of the Year, someone who has reflected the values of the club and made significant contributions throughout the year. On the night the votes will be finalised and the shield awarded.


Come Meet the Crew

Want to join UQ Boxing in 2020 but don't know where to start, or just looking to say hi to some familiar faces?


Pop by our stall in the Great Court on both the UQ Clubs and Society Market Day on Wednesday 19th February 2 - 5pm; and again at the official UQ Market day Wednesday 26th February 10am - 2pm.


Keep an eye out for any merchandise we will be selling on day, stock are limited, first come, first serve.


Follow our Facebook Page for the latest updates!

Semester BBQs

Just want a Saturday Snag without the workout?

Once a semester we come together to host a BBQ as an opportunity for our members to socialise and unwind. 


During second semester this event also facilitates a our Annual General Meeting, in which our members vote for the following year's club executives, Furthermore, it is an opportunity for any our members to voice their opinions on the running of the club so that as a club we can grow and improve for our members. 

Sweet Science Series

Learn the secret formula of the Sweet Science

A recent addition to our social calendar has been the Sweet Science Series. It is an opportunity for members to share their knowledge and passion for boxing in a relaxed forum.


At each event we have several featured speakers elaborating on topics close to their heart in the world of boxing from fighting styles to specific matches, and from general rules to helpful training tips.


Discussion is encouraged throughout each segment as these workshop evenings are intended to be an opportunity to develop your fight I.Q.

Varsity Club Clash

Competition Season

The Varsity Club Clash is an annual competition held between the University of Queensland (UQ) and Queensland University of Technology (QUT) across multiple sports since 2017. Boxing is one of several sports whose overall competition results contribute to their university's cumulative points.


Exhibition rounds are friendly unscored bouts intended to promote the sport of boxing at both universities. Whilst, competition rounds are scored and the team winning the majority of matches will have one point added to the overall VCC competition score.

Key Dates 2020

Stay Up-To-Date

Tues 25th Feb

Semester 1 Passes Begin

Wed 19th Feb

UQ Clubs and Societies Market Day

Wed 26th Feb

UQ Market Day

Sat 22nd Feb*

Sweet Science Night II

Sat 4th Apr*

Semester 1 BBQ

Sat 18th Apr*

Sweet Science Night III

Late July*

Sweet Science Night IV

Tues 28th Jul

Sem 1 Passes End /Sem 2 Passes Begin


Semester 2 BBQ & Annual General Meeting


Annual Dinner

Thur 19th Nov

Semester 2 Passes End

* Denotes tentative date, refer to our Facebook page for the latest details.

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